Levels of Hospice Care

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Routine Home Care

This is the most common level of care for Hospice of the Piedmont. Visits are made to the home or residence facility by members of the care team to provide care as required by the patient and family.

General Inpatient Care (GIP)

When a patient’s symptoms cannot be adequately managed in a home or resident facility setting, the patient may be moved to the Center for Acute Hospice Care or admitted as a hospice GIP patient to one of our area hospitals.

Respite Care

When family caregivers need to travel or need a rest, patients can be moved to a contracted residential nursing facility or the Center for Acute Hospice Care for up to five (5) days of respite care.

Crisis Care

During times of severe symptom crisis, a Hospice of the Piedmont nurse or hospice aide may provide several hours of continuous care at the bedside to assist with managing these symptoms. Crisis care is only for the management of these severe symptoms and the goal is to stabilize the patient and allow him/her to remain at home.