Role Of Your Hospice of The Piedmont Staff

Your care will be directed by an interdisciplinary group (IDG) which includes he following team members:

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Serves as the case manager. Your case manager works to prevent and manage any symptoms you are having. Your nurse also teaches your loved ones ways to provide care to you.

Social Worker

Provides emotional support, counseling, and guidance. Identifies community resources available to you. Assists with funeral arrangements. Provides information about advance directives.


Provides emotional support and assists with any spiritual issues. Will assist with communications to your faith community and/or provide spiritual support as needed. The hospice spiritual counselor does not impose his/her beliefs or seek to change the beliefs of others.

Hospice Aide

Provides personal care to patients on a part time basis. Hospice aide services are provided under the supervision of a registered nurse.

Hospice Medical Director

Responsible for the medical management of your terminal illness and any other conditions related to that illness. Our medical director usually works in coordination with our patients’ primary care physician (PCP), or she can serve as a PCP, if need be.


Provide support as needed. May be scheduled to visit regularly, or may be available to provide special services such as supportive music sessions, pet therapy, Reiki, massage therapy, vigil support. Learn more about the services our volunteers provide here.