Will Anderson
Associate Medical Director
In 2000, Dr. Anderson left an office-based general internal medicine practice to provide high-quality, personalized, facility-based health care to a limited number of geriatric patients. In addition to providing this concierge practice in facilities, he made a limited number of house calls to independent patients. The overarching purpose of this model of care was to reduce unnecessary emergency room visits and hospital admissions, thereby improving quality of life for patients and families. While working in the solo geriatric practice, he worked part-time as a medical director for a hospice. From this experience, he first learned how much better an interdisciplinary team could deliver holistic end-of-life care than the physician-centered model. Dr. Anderson became certified in Hospice and Palliative Medicine in October 2012. Since August 2013, he has been a full-time hospice medical director. Since February 2016, he has also directed the development of a palliative care program and its integration with the established hospice program of a community healthcare system. Dr. Anderson attended Yale University for his undergraduate degree, then went to University of Virginia for medical school. He is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Bioethics from Columbia University, with a concentration in Global Ethics.