A nurse with dark hair wears navy blue Hospice of the Piedmont scrubs and a cross necklace. She uses a syringe to practice making injections into a mannequin.

Investing in Education, Committing to Our Future

At Hospice of the Piedmont (HOP), we recognize that an ongoing commitment to providing staff with educational and professional advancement opportunities is imperative to ensure we deliver on our mission. Access to scholarships, grants, and professional certification opportunities helps attract and retain the most highly skilled and talented team members, which ultimately translates into high-quality care for all those we serve.

HOP recently launched an Education Program campaign with a goal of raising $500,000 by June 30, 2025. This support will provide five years of funding, ensuring continuity of continuing education and certification offerings.


Scholarships and Grants

Our scholarship and grants program is designed to help our employees pursue further education or advancement in their field.

Hospice of the Piedmont Nurse Jessica wears a black graduation cap and gown. She smiles from inside a gazebo in front of leafy trees
Jessica Dubuque, RN

Jessica Dubuque, an RN at our Center for Acute Hospice Care, started as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at HOP. Through a HOP scholarship she was able to achieve an Associate Degree in Nursing from Piedmont Virginia Community College. “This major step in my career path would not have been possible without the financial and professional support of the HOP scholarship program,” says Jessica.

Jessica’s journey didn’t stop there. She is currently enrolled in the RN to BSN program at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and is expected to graduate this spring. Jessica’s story is just one example of the power philanthropy can have in assisting our team in furthering their skills for the betterment of their patients.

Professional Certifications

The certification process validates and evaluates staff’s expertise in a specialty area and indicates a mastery of a defined body of knowledge.

Grace wears a floral patterned top with small, multi-colored flowers set on a dark green background. Her light brown hair flows past her shoulders.
Grace Prestiy, APHSW-C

Grace Prestiy, a member of our social worker team, recently earned her Advanced Palliative and Hospice Social Work Certification (APHSW-C) with the support of our Education Program.

“Having the APHSW-C certification lets patients and families know they are in good hands. It reflects my passion and commitment to providing quality hospice care,” said Grace. “Eight years ago Hospice of the Piedmont took a chance on a freshly graduated MSW with a calling to hospice work. My HOP family has helped me grow and mature as a practitioner in so many ways. Through HOP I have obtained my LCSW licensure and now my APHSW certification. I am grateful to HOP for believing in me!”

Through the Education Program, our team can not only receive their initial certification but are also encouraged to renew it, as necessary, to ensure continued growth and development.

Skills Center

In today’s healthcare world, clinicians and nurses are expected to provide care in an increasingly complex environment. Through generous community support, the Education Program will provide the resources necessary to develop a Skills Center that will allow for hands-on learning and skill development for staff as well as family caregivers. Creating a space where our team can work together and learn from each other will be immensely beneficial.

While HOP currently offers monthly “Skills Days” to build proficiency, additional Modular Skills trainers and mannequins will further enable scenarios and advancement opportunities.

Family Caregiver Education

While enrolling in hospice care does provide patients and families with a variety of support, there are often many questions and worries that still can occur. In addition, most hospice patients are cared for by untrained, unpaid family/friend caregivers, and the importance of caregiver support becomes apparent.

Hospice of the Piedmont understands the worry taking care of a loved one can place on the caregiver and is striving to assist by providing resources and programs to support the family. Philanthropic support for the Education Program will allow the Skills Center to be open to family caregivers looking for support and added training.

Additionally, a video Resource Library containing step-by-step videos will be created to provide anytime assistance and reminders about everything from feeding assistance to administering medications to safe bathing strategies.

We are incredibly grateful to those who have supported our education efforts in the past and are excited for the growth and expansion ahead.

Should you have any questions, or if you’d like additional information, please feel free to contact Lauri Wilson at lauri.wilson@hopva.org or 434.972.3538.