A hospice patient in a blue robe with an oxygen cannula in her nose is surrounded by family and friends

Paula, Fran and family visiting at the Center for Acute Hospice Care

A Grateful Friend Gives Back

This post was written by Fran Gray, a donor and grateful friend of a patient cared for by Hospice of the Piedmont.

Paula’s Journey: From Diagnosis to Hospice Care

I’ve known Paula for over 40 years. My caregiving journey began in August 2012 when Paula was diagnosed with a brain tumor. My caregiving lasted six years and included eight surgeries.

In July 2021, Paula was then diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. I reminded her again that she was not alone and became her strongest advocate and caregiver for a second time.

Our journey with hospice care began on August 21, 2023. Paula’s health declined rapidly, and her oncologist determined that it was not possible to control the advancing cancer. Quality of life was more important to Paula, so her oncologist now became her strongest advocate and began the steps to arrange for care to be provided by Hospice of the Piedmont.

Compassionate Care at the Center for Acute Hospice Care (CAHC)

Paula received her care at the Center for Acute Hospice Care (CAHC). As she came on to service, the CAHC staff assured Paula that they were there to support her, while also supporting me. With Paula’s okay, they included me in her care plan and let us know what to expect in the dying process.

Soon after her arrival, Paula shared that the staff had already left a powerful impact on her. She got the best sleep she’d had in the past few months, but more importantly, she felt the genuine care and devotion of the nurses and the friendliness of the housekeeping staff.

Paula was humbled and brought to tears – the first I had seen her cry since her diagnosis. Everyone involved in her care (Alina, Kathleen, Patty, Kara, Grace, Stacy, Doris, Erica, Kendall, and many others, their names escape me now), whether personally or in the background, helped guide her through to the end and we both so appreciated your dedication, professionalism, and kindness. You let her see your human side.

Spiritual Support and End-of-Life Peace

God’s presence in Paula’s life transformed her in many ways; she enjoyed God’s good gifts to the fullest and knew God was with her and was in full acceptance with end-of-life. Patty, the chaplain, provided spiritual support and often stopped by, and the two would talk at length. Paula appreciated those discussions, which truly made a difference providing comfort and peace of mind.

On August 30 Paula became unresponsive. A priest arrived for last rites and her oncologist stopped in for support. I was allowed to stay after Paula passed, and watched as Paula’s body was prepared before the funeral home arrived. My caregiving for Paula ended when she was laid to rest.

I am deeply touched by the care Paula received.

The Importance of Early End-of-Life Conversations

Please, begin the conversation about end-of-life care early and keep it in your back pocket. Hospice is not so frightening, and it won’t be as confusing once you start the conversation.