The filming of a family watching a concert. An older man in a leather jacket raises his hands in the air. He sits between his wife and daughter. "Behind The Scenes: Introducing Our New Community Outreach And Education Campaign"

Behind The Scenes: Introducing Our New Community Outreach and Education Campaign

If you’ve been watching the Olympics, you may have noticed our new television commercial. This latest campaign is part of our ongoing community outreach and education effort, and it is all about how Hospice of the Piedmont helps patients make every moment count.

Why This?  Why Now?

As a nonprofit hospice, we feel it’s our responsibility to help start conversations about end-of-life and enable earlier access to hospice care. Our vision is to reimagine the way our community views and experiences serious illness, dying, and grief, and we hope this effort is a way to start doing just that.

Hospice is often associated only with the final days of life, but as anyone on our team will tell you, it can be about so much more than that. In much of our communication with the community, we try to emphasize the importance of early hospice enrollment, which lays the foundation for an improved hospice experience.

As Jenn Downs, our Chief Marketing Officer, explains, “Our goal with the new campaign is to show that hospice care isn’t just about the end; it’s about the sometimes-surprising ways hospice care can create new possibilities to honor a life well-lived and help our patients and families continue to make new memories together.”

Real-Life Inspiration

Like our previous campaign, this new campaign is inspired by real-life stories. One such story we recently shared is about a patient in Louisa who rocked out at an Eagles Tribute Band concert.

“At Hospice of the Piedmont, we understand that everyone is unique, and we strive to create a hospice experience that is personalized to each patient’s beliefs, preferences, and desires. Whether that means attending a concert or spending a quiet moment looking through old scrapbooks with a loved one, we are here to help our patients make every moment count,” says Jenn.

Not Just a Commercial, A Campaign

While there’s only one commercial airing at the moment, we’ll give you (our beloved readers) an inside scoop: more perspectives on this story will be revealed in the coming months.

Ultimately, the campaign will feature a series of three commercials, each offering a unique perspective on one patient’s hospice experience. The first commercial is from the patient’s point of view, highlighting his desire to relive a cherished memory. The second shifts to the nurse’s perspective, showcasing how our team helps special moments like these come to life. The third commercial presents the viewpoint of the patient’s daughter, demonstrating the important way these new memories become especially meaningful to a patient’s loved ones.

A Sneak Peek at the Creative Process

Creating these commercials was a genuinely collaborative effort. As we developed the concept, we sought guidance from community members with hospice experience to ensure the campaign resonated locally.

While actors played the leading roles in the commercials, we leveraged the technical expertise of our clinical team to ensure the details were accurate. For example, while filming the patient getting ready to go to the concert, the production team FaceTimed Molly Brumfield-Horner, our Director of Hospice Homecare, to make sure it made sense for the patient to be seated on his rollator walker.

Share Your Stories

Is there something you would want to do if you were receiving hospice care? Has a friend or family member had a hospice experience where they made every moment count?

We love hearing your stories and experiences with Hospice of the Piedmont. If you have a story to share, especially if you know someone currently a patient, please let us know. We’re always looking for ways to help our patients make more memories. Write to us at

Thank you for your continued support and dedication. Together, we can make every moment count.