Kids’ Grief and Healing

We provide non-medical support for children and teens who’ve lost loved ones. Through our Journeys camps, teen groups, and creative expression programs, we help young people (4-18) forge connections with others and develop coping skills.

The Kids’ Grief and Healing program is made possible thanks to generous community philanthropy. To learn more about donating to Hospice of the Piedmont, visit our giving page.

Hospice of the Piedmont kids' grief and healing logo

Our Kids’ Grief and Healing program provides community and creative healing to youth in need, whether or not their loved one received care from Hospice of the Piedmont.

The journey through grief and loss may be difficult and lonely, especially for children and adolescents, who are sometimes forgotten grievers. They need a safe place to express the sadness, anger, and fear related to loss — developing important coping skills through this process.

Download the calendar of upcoming events

For Kids and Teens

Children and teens ages 5-17 (18 if still in high school) who have lost a person close to them are invited to attend. Campers will have fun, see that they are not alone, and understand that their feelings of grief are normal. Camp is a place for kids who are weighed down by their grief and need to express their feelings. We give priority to kids who are first-time campers.


A camper puts on her harness for fun and adventure at a Journeys Spring Grief Camp

Journeys Spring Grief Camp

Triple C Camp
Saturday, April 19th

Children and teens ages 5-17 (18 if still in high school) who have lost someone close to them are invited to attend this full-day camp, including drumming, music, art making, nature exploration, a challenge course, pet therapy, and a candlelight memorial. Campers will have fun, see that they are not alone, and understand that their feelings of grief are normal. Register here.

Journeys Summer Grief Camp

Verdun Adventure Bound
Saturday, May 31st

This full-day camp will include art making, nature exploration, s’mores, a bonfire memorial, and a team-building experience with low and high ropes challenges. Campers will have fun, see that they are not alone, and understand that their feelings of grief are normal. Register here.

Journeys Fall Grief Camp

Millington Stables in Free Union
Saturday, October 18th

Living Earth School will host this full-day camp in a beautiful natural setting. Children and teens will participate in nature-focused and expressive activities to promote healing grief. Campers will have fun, see that they are not alone, and understand that their feelings of grief are normal.

For Teens

Grieving teens sit around a table using therapeutic art to heal

Oasis Grief Support for Teens

Held In-Person at Our Charlottesville & Culpeper Offices
Third Tuesday of the Month
5:30pm – 7:00pm

Teens who know what it is like to experience the death of someone they love are invited to this monthly gathering. Oasis meets in person for discussion, art, and support. We will connect with each other, do expressive activities, and share our joys and concerns. Unique grief topics will be explored, and each teen will find that they are not alone. Groups facilitated by Master’s Level Counselors. Ages 13-17 welcome! Register here.

For Families

Join Journeys families for activity time with special guest presenters and Kids’ Grief and Healing Counselors. Families will be encouraged to remember loved ones, express feelings, learn coping skills, and have fun together.


A child and adult participate in art therapy while grieving the loss of a loved one

Kids’ Grief Family Workshop

Held In-Person at Our Charlottesville & Culpeper Offices
Second Thursday of the Month
5:30pm – 7:00pm

Families of all kinds are invited to come together and honor their loved ones who have passed away by creating unique art projects. Please bring a photo to introduce your special person. While kids are busy with their art, adults can join a support group to share their experiences and find comfort in connecting with others. Plus, we’ll keep everyone fueled with some delicious pizza! All families with children ages 5 to 18 are welcome. Register here.

How to Register

To learn more, fill out the form below, call us at 434-817-6915, or email us at

Kids’ Grief and Healing Application

Camp Highlights

Watch Highlights from our Journeys Grief Camps


Press Coverage